Symbiosis Lavale Campus

Foto © _opolis architects

A self sufficient campus for 3000 persons, sitting atop a hillside on the windward side of the deccan mountain range was the chief aim of this proposal. The project occupied one contour level and the campus was seen as a car free place where persons could roller blade or walk- everything was within a ten minute walking distance. The Visitor’s Center at the base of the hill was the transportation interchange after which only battery powered buses would ply and take students up to the campus. The residential “bars” were intertwined to interact and create spaces for living while the main study spaces were set under dramatic roof scapes, to mimic the mountain ranges beyond. The campus would have wind mills to harness the strong winds that blow in this region- particularly as they sweep up the hill slopes. The roads were lined wth farmlands, so that students could grow their own food and the campus could be self sufficient for its food, water and energy needs.

Foto © _opolis architects
Foto © _opolis architects
Foto © _opolis architects
Foto © _opolis architects
Foto © _opolis architects

Dazugehörige Projekte 

  • Shanghai Suhe MixC World
  • Welcome to the Stage!
    Kjellander Sjöberg
  • Hovering Kan-Too – Great Bay Area Center Showroom
    Wutopia Lab
  • Stockwell-Rodríguez Residence
    Belmont Freeman Architects
  • Haunsbergstraße | 1. Preis
    Architektinnen Schremmer.Jell ZT GmbH


Andere Projekte von _OPOLIS 

Arun Patel
Courtyard House (with RMA architects)
Childrens Park at Shivaji Park
Adventist Hospital
JRC Sancheti Hospital