Net House

Ahmedabad, 2010

net,nett.adj.clear of all else and subject to no further deductions (chamiers twentieth century dictionary). Though less prevalent to...

House with Balls

Ahmedabad, 2009

Scooped out of a plot of farmland twenty minutes outside Ahmedabad city, this house has been built for an aquarium shop owner to function...

The Urban Cast

Ajmer, 2009

Cast: To form by pouring into a mould; To reach out and throw; A rigid protective poultice (Chamiers twentieth century dictionary) The R...

House by the Sea

Raigad, 2008

…Marooned ship, long lost fortresses dotting the western coastline and unseen aquatic life are some of the inspirations for this outhouse...


Surat, 2007

Being the largest exporter of polished diamonds, almost 80% of the world’s diamonds pass through the hands of Indian diamond merchants. M...

Dharamshala set in Stone

Pavapuri, 2007

Set, determine: fix conclusively or authoritatively; "set the rules" (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols; "the set...

House with the warped court

Surat, 2005

In the heart of the industrial city of Surat; with a recent history of plague, riots, earthquake, and floods; and dealing with the side e...

Residence for Mr. Ashok Patel

Ahmedabad, 2005

Located in fast growing suburbs of Ahmedabad, a prosperous city in the state of Gujarat in the west of India, the house is designed for a...

Prathma Blood Centre

Ahmedabad, 2000

The Center has its origins in an Invited Architectural Competition in 1998. The promoters, Advanced Transfusion Medical Research Foundati...

Ashwinikumar Crematorium

Surat, 2000

Although there is no archetypal form for a crematorium, the cremation place is marked by a pavilion-like structure standing in open groun...

‘Cattiva’ Range of Blood Mobile Vans

“Cattiva”; Italian for mean woman, is inspired by the lady who lures, and the prey who irresistibly concedes, knowing well that he is jus...