Benjamin Blocher
Architect / Managing Partner

Dieter Blocher
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Studied architecture at the university in Stuttgart and Chicago. He worked with various architectural offices, was lecturer at the University of Stuttgart. He founded blocher partners in 1989 with Jutta Blocher.

Jutta Blocher
Co-Founder/Head of Interior Design
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Studium der Innenarchitektur an der FH Stuttgart. Mitarbeit in verschiedenen Architekturbüros. 1989 Gründung von blocher partners mit Dieter Blocher.

Matthias Both
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Matthias Both studied architecture at the University of Siegen as well as History and comparable religious studies at the University of Tübingen. Between 2007 and 2011, Matthias Both worked as academic staff at IRGE (institute for spatial conception and basic research of designing) at the University of Stuttgart. Since 2009, he has been working for blocher partners, since 2017 as a managing partner in national and international project developments in architectural and urban standards. Matthias was responsible for projects such as for the extension of the Design Center of Mercedes Benz in Sindelfingen, Hugo Boss in Metzingen, the office building P5 or the Glückstein city houses in Mannheim. Matthias Both worked as guest critics, jury member and speaker several times. Currently, he lectures at the academy of the real estate industry in Stuttgart. Moreover, he is a founding member of the network group FEAT, which initiate architectural aid projects.

Jürgen Gaiser
Interior Designer
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Designer, has worked with various offices, is with blocher partners since 1995 and is partner since 1999.

Angela Kreutz
Head of Corporate Communication/CEO blocher partners India/Managing Director typenraum
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Studied politics, journalism, and German Philology in Mainz and art history in the USA. After editorial traineeship employment by various publishing houses. Since 2002 with blocher partners, since 2008 head of blocher partners india and partner of Blocher Blocher Partners since 2009.

Wolfgang Mairinger
Senior Partner/Architect
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Studied architecture at the universities in Regensburg and Karlsruhe. He joined blocher partners in 1995 and became senior partner in 1996.

Anja Pangerl
Architect/Interior Designer
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Studied interior design at university in Coburg and architecture at university in Stuttgart. She is with blocher partnerss since 1997, is partner since 2006.

Vandana Shah
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Vandana Shah studierte Architektur an der Universität Stuttgart und am CEPT, School of Architecture, in Ahmedabad, Indien. Sie kam 2011 zu blocher partners und verantwortet seit 2015 als Partner nationale wie internationale Projektentwicklung mit dem Schwerpunkt Wohnungsbau. Das Rathaus Weil am Rhein oder das Hotel Nadlerstraße, Stuttgarts erstes innerstädtisches Boutique Hotel, stammen aus ihrer Feder. Sie zeichnete für Wohnungsbauten wie die Apartmentanlage Skydeck Select im indischen Ahmedabad verantwortlich, ebenso wie für den neuen Verwaltungssitz der GWG, Gesellschaft für Wohnungs- und Gewerbebau, Baden-Württemberg AG. Vor ihrer Zeit bei blocher partners arbeitete Vandana Shah unter anderem für Behnisch Architekten, KBK Architekten sowie am Städtebaulichen Institut der Universität Stuttgart.